Monday, March 10, 2008

NHibernate - Changing Inheritance Strategy

We've recently been putting in the Party archetype for managing information about People/Organizations and their roles in regards to our systems. When mapping the roles we had two good choices:

  1. Table-per-subclass - Give each role its own table as well as having a table for the basic role data.
  2. Table-per-hierarchy with join tables - One table to manage all the basic role data (shared by all roles) and one table for each role that required extra data (using the join-table approach).

Our database expert(s) preferred us to choose the latter, particularly because some of our roles do not have extra information and if we'd gone for table-per-subclass we'd have given those roles their own (pretty much empty) tables.

Unfortunately the join-table approach has issues, not least that the join-tables cannot support their own components so we changed our mind and instead went for the table-per-subclass approach. The amazing thing is that one of my colleagues, Kathryn, managed to make this change and have our tests passing in no more than a couple of hours.

This is brilliant, all it required was a few changes to the mappings, creation of a couple of tables for the roles that weren't (currently) adding any data and a couple of update scripts to ensure those tables were populated and that the discriminator column was removed from the party role table.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:16 am

    I am trying to understand the difference between the two approaches. Can you provide an example of tables columns for each? Can you also elaborate on 'join-tables cannot support their own components'? I am using NHibernate which has proved very useful, but so far it is a 1-1 mapping of classes and tables. I would like to use it for base and inherited classes. For example base: User which has first name, last name. And inherited class is FinanceUser, which also has JobTitle.
